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Discipline among the men

Dana Carini
New York Assembly needs you

Washington was told by the Massachusetts provincial Congress to not expect regularity & discipline amoung the men. They had no military experience, there were no trained engineers to oversee and design buildings of defense. They had enough gun powder at hand to shoot 7 rounds per man.

The troops , farmers, fishermen, tradesmen, did not except the necessity of order or obedience. Many volunteered on the condition that they could elect their own officers. Many of these officers had no idea what to do. DOES THIS SOUND FERMILURE? It sure does for me!!!!

I am asking all those who read this to stand in a position. Go to the New York Assembly Handbook on the private side of this website and read. Pick something that many intrest you.

We are a nation of ACTION. Standing still and waiting is foreign to living men and woman. If you are waiting, consider the war is in the mind and try to educate yourself. When you gain an inner-standing of the perfection of this world you will not be intimitaded by the "defacto Private Cult or Club". In fact i am finding myself growing less angry and more intrested in planting some seeds. When a few of us plant seeds, others can water them. The more we spread the simple it will be.

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